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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Carbon Monoxide

Generators are helpful when the power goes out. Space heaters can quickly warm a room. But they produce carbon monoxide and can be deadly if they are not used correctly.

Here are some precautions to help prevent carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • Install a carbon monoxide alarm in your home if you have combustion appliances or an attached garage.
  • Be sure all appliances are properly installed and used according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Have fireplace and combustion heating and ventilation systems, including chimneys, flues, and vents, professionally inspected every year.
  • Don’t burn charcoal inside a house, garage, vehicle, tent or fireplace.
  • Don’t use unvented combustion heaters in enclosed spaces, especially sleeping areas.
  • Never leave an automobile running in a closed garage or in a garage attached to the house—even with the garage door open.
  • While driving, keep the rear window or tailgate of a vehicle closed, as carbon monoxide from the exhaust can be pulled inside.
If you suspect you are experiencing any symptoms of CO poisoning, open doors and windows, turn off gas appliances and go outside. In cases of severe CO poisoning, call 911 or call the nearest Florida Poison Information Center at 1-800-222-1222.

For more information visit the Department’s Carbon Monoxide page.